
  • After working with Diana for over 12 years as both my personal trainer and in classes such as Pilates, yoga and cycling, I can say that she makes the point to get to know everyone in her classes, what their needs and limitations are, and helps them set goals that are appropriate and attainable. She is very aware of safety and explains to her clients why things are done a certain way. Her knowledge of anatomy and function of the musculoskeletal system is very thorough. Her knowledge, enthusiasm, professionalism and excellent work ethic are the keys to her successful training and teaching techniques.

    Judith Stoner, M.D.
  • During my second pregnancy, I had sciatica and started chiropractic visits. After my nurse midwife’s approval, I started Pilates training with Diana. With her expertise in special conditions, I quickly felt better! My sciatica and backaches essentially disappeared. When I was expecting number 3, because of my improved posture and core strength with continued Pilates, I felt fantastic! Thanks, Diana!

    Megan Brookens, RN
  • As a dancer, I use my body as an instrument, a tool to display a work of art. Therefore, my health and fitness hold a central role in my ability to continue doing what I love. Since the age of two, I have been turning, leaping, and moving constantly. This is a gift I can not imagine my life without. Dancing at a competitive level, I have pushed my mind and body beyond limits I did not know possible. Over time, this intensity began to negatively affect my ability to practice and perform well. Starting at age 15, shooting pains in my back and hips prevented me from performing common activities like walking and bending over. I saw doctors, therapists, and chiropractors – all of which provided temporary solutions to the pain. When I finally started working with Diana Spiess, my life was changed forever. While focusing on the whole body, she helped get rid of my pain from years of misalignment. She provided me with “homework” that I do consistently, which keeps the pain away. Not only did she focus on aligning my body, she encouraged me to take care of myself from inside out. I became accustomed to the daily headaches, stomach aches, and migraines that I had for years. Diana encouraged me to go gluten free, which completely rid of these daily issues and improved my joint pain. Diana has initiated my desire to eat healthy and treat my mind and body fairly. To be able to do what I love to the best of my abilities is freedom to me. Because of Diana’s knowledge and, most importantly, her passion to help others live a healthy life, I am able to live the life I love.

    Chandler Riley, Ohio State University Dancer
  • Before my energy session with Diana I was feeling physically exhausted and emotionally drained. Her energy session incorporating sound and vibration therapy, aromatherapy, reiki and crystals had such a profound effect! During my session I fell into such a deep state of relaxation and inner peace. The crystals are always my favorite part and she always knows just the right ones to use to help me find my balance. She helped me find my zen!

    Sherry Dixon, LMT, essence of yoga YTT graduate 2016
  • The Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) offered through Essence under the guidance of owner Diana Spiess is {SO} much more than a yoga teacher training. It is a 10 month immersion into health and wellness exploration and education through multiple modalities. We’ve covered topics such as nutrition, essential oils, energy work, and crystals to name a few. While in the end you earn your 200 hour certification to teach yoga, the certification is minor compared to the overall life altering transformation you will undergo. Diana’s is constantly seeking out new opportunities of growth for her students by expanding upon her own education. Her wealth of knowledge is vast and unparalleled.

    Mercedes Wise, M.Ed., essence of yoga YTT graduate 2016
  • Diana’s vast array of knowledge is truly astounding and inspiring! She uses multiple methods to assist her clients in becoming healthier in a variety of ways… physically caring for muscles, joints, fascia, internal organs, endocrine system, nervous system, etc., and energetically caring for the mind, heart, and soul.

    The physical adjustments to my alignment that Diana has performed have provided relief from pain. The information regarding nutrition she shares regularly has helped me adopt not only healthier eating habits, but also a healthier relationship with food and exercise. The energy sessions I have had with her have been the most helpful of all. Diana uses a combination of aromatherapy, sound vibration therapy, Reiki, and acupressure to assist me in releasing pent up emotional and physical tension, and help me become more balanced in every way.

    I always eagerly look forward to working with Diana to be able soak up more information, be further inspired, feel better physically and emotionally, and continue on my path of self-growth!

    Glory Meyer, essence of yoga YTT graduate 2015
  • To describe myself as busy and rundown is cliché, but I often found myself saying and feeling both. In large part to Essence’s restorative yoga and meditation class, I have noticed a change in my demeanor and overall outlook on life. During yoga I feel as those I am realigning my body, while during meditation I am realigning my spirit. It’s difficult to explain, but during meditation with the singing bowls and aromatherapy, I transport to a dreamlike state - I am not awake, I am not fully asleep. I feel a gentle wave roll over my body and a sense of balance and peace. It feels as though my body is merely a shell that stays on the mat, while my true being allows the bowls to re-center me. Though, according to my schedule, I am still busy; I feel very different as I live out my week. My 11 year old son will also agree that sleep comes easier, anxiety diminishes and life is more manageable with mediation.

    Joy Ermie, Masters in Public Health